Understanding Medicaid

Medicaid provides health insurance coverage to low-income children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities to pay for their medical costs. Medicaid is the largest single health insurance provider serving over 68 million Americans, which is about 20 percent of the U.S.

Greitens Signs EO 17 - 09

Gov. Greitens signed Executive Order 17-09 on March 13, 2017, giving state employees within departments and agencies of the executive branch up to six weeks of parental leave following the birth or adoption of a child.  Primary caregivers who are qualified state employees may receive six weeks of paid family leave and secondary caregivers shall receive three weeks of paid family leave, at 100 percent of regular salary.

Advancing Women’s Status in Missouri

In honor of Women’s History Month, Wendy Doyle joined Scott Faughn on This Week in Missouri Politics to talk about the wage gap, occupational licensing, and paid leave for women in Missouri.

Doyle is the CEO of the Women’s Foundation, an organization that has worked closely with the IPP to study, analyze and develop policy recommendations for issues that women in Missouri face.

“You have an interesting process, you do studies and identify problems, and then you propose policy solutions to fix those problems,” Faughan said.

Annual Legislative Day

IPP analysts, Kristi Ressel and Zach Buckler, attended the 43rd Annual Legislative Day, held in the third floor Rotunda of the Capitol building in Jefferson City yesterday. It was an opportunity for members of the University of Missouri community to meet and greet legislators and showcase MU research and service projects which improve the lives of Missourians. The event was well attended and ran from 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM, kicking off with the MAA & MU Extension Legislator Breakfast.

Comprehensive "Most Important Problem" Dataset (1939-2015) Released by MU Political Scientists

Public opinion researchers depend on certain questions as essential public opinion barometers, like presidential job approval or Bud Roper’s right-direction/wrong-track measure. Perhaps no other question is as often used to determine what is foremost in the minds of the public than the open-ended “What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?” Respondents offer their concerns in their own words, unaffected by potential bias introduced by limited lists of answers.

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